Tuesday, 26 August 2014

10 healthy tips for summer

There are rules that we know more than children: keep your head and body from overheating, use sunscreen consistently means with a high protection factor and even on a cloudy day, wears glasses, and at the first signs of malaise under the hot sun rays immediately moved into the shade. But if you respect them? What threatens us summer negligence and short-termism? Read the advice of our experts. 1. for the seasonal peculiarities of climate and their influence on human physiological state today speak all doctors. According to them, the main cause of all diseases is disrupted summer water-saline balance in the body. What can you do? Drink more water. In the heat of the cooling of the body need a lot more water, which is processed in a cooling sweat. Drink daily for at least half a liter of fluids in the form of water, juices, tea. The sodas and alcohol, say "no": these thirst quenching drinks, mock, in fact obezvodnâvat the body. Strictly follow the requirements of your body: drink fluids as soon as you feel the thirst and force the body to not overprotective in heat. 2. watch for salt balance in the body.
If your favorite comfortable shoes are suddenly become tight if the socks have started to leave visible traces on your skin-it indicates the presence of an excess of salt. Be careful when you use the products, trapping water in the body: eat less salt, smoked products and limit the use of tomato juice with salt. Your leaders in the summer are: cucumbers, watermelons, melons. They all possess a mild diuretic action and are able to regulate the fluid and electrolyte balance in the body. 3. heat stroke is the most dangerous mini crash which could occur during the summer. It's stupid to be fooled that this could not happen to you. You can get hurt in the center of the city, and while walking in hot weather. It is hard to believe, but heatstroke can overtake you and the workplace, if you've been standing a long time in warm stuffy room. With heat stroke, the body loses its ability to samoohlažda, and consequently increases dramatically the body temperature at 39-40 degrees, the skin becomes dry and warm, red, the distorted is cardiac arrest. Signs of violations appear in the mind, and sometimes seizures. Of course, I can't talk about any self-medication. The only exit is the fastest way to call the ambulance. 4. overheating of the body, even if you don't get to heatstroke, is no less dangerous because it leads to increased blood pressure, dizziness, although the body temperature is maintained within normal. In the hot summer afternoons at work slow down your movements and if you feel ill, wash with cold water. Where are the major arteries (the temples, between the clavicles, elbow folds and podkolennite wells), massage with ice cubes. 5. forget about sports training in the stuffy room or outdoors in hot weather-this is undue heavy load on the body. Replace running with walking in the cool time (early morning or night) and the exercises in the gym with swimming. 6. learn the rules of behavior in the wild and around the basins (especially if you are on a vacation on the beach).
Not feeling very well after the pleasant sunbathing. You better cool down in the shower than in a treacherous sea water. Do not swim in the water after a heavy lunch: so refining the food, your body releases a lot of energy, but this will add the expense of additional energy for the work of the muscles. The energy is heat. And if we consider the high ambient temperature and salt sea water (salt, falling through the pores of the skin in the body, violates a water-salt balance), then the chances to get heat stroke are increasing dramatically. 7. during the summer, be careful with perfume. Very carefully use a scented perfumes and deodorants, creams for the body or hands. Concentrated flavor in the thick summer air can cause migraines due to a sharp and prolonged stimulation of olfactory receptors. 8. do not go out in the countryside, dressed in brightly  clothing. It's amazing, but that fact confirmed and doctors, and  the bee or W Asp may confuse you with a flower and stung. 9. do not provoke the insects with the food which you have taken for the picnic, wrap it tightly, avoid sweets and dairy products and beverages.
 All this attracts insects, and you can become an obstacle for them on the way to the pleasure: then we're safe insect bites. Use protective creams and lotions carry always with disinfectant solution yourself, protect your head and your body from ticks. 10. be very careful with food during the summer. Forget about street snacks and with

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